
September 5, 2017

Chiang Mai, Thailand


I stared at the small mirror on which the little glassine bag and his casino rewards card rested. “Come on”, he said. “You know what to do.” And I suppose I did know what to do, but I was definitely not ready for this.

It was mid-September, 2016, and I was hosting a guy from Texas. Gaco had requested a stay on short notice as he was coming to Chicago. I was still recovering from a trip to New England for Labor Day weekend, had just finished hosting some people and events during the Chicago Couch Crash*, and also just got a new roommate.  I could have easily said “no”, because of everything else going on, but something about Gaco’s profile information and his nice request told me that it would be worth hosting him. I made arrangements to pick him up at a train station outside of the downtown area, and afterwards we met up with some new Filipina friends at the grand opening of a huge Filipino superstore that everyone had been going on about. The ladies had ordered food from inside, and we all sat out on the sidewalk eating interesting dishes and having a really fun conversation. Gaco didn’t know anybody there, and I only knew one of them briefly, but he made himself at home with the group.

The Filipinas were all tired from fighting the crowds at the store, and so they decided that they were going to check out early and go home instead of staying out to go dancing or karaoke. So Gaco and I headed back toward my place on the south side of Chicago. Before we got all the way to my home, however, I decided that we really owed it to ourselves to have a couple more beers. Reggie’s Music Joint and Rock Club on the corner of State and E. 21st had always been one of my favorite places to hang out and bring my couchsurfing guests. It was within walking distance to my apartment, which was convenient if heavy drinking was planned. Reggie’s boasted a very cool downstairs bar with live music, another soundstage for ticketed events, an amazing record store on the second level, and one of the coolest rooftop bars in the city. This place catered to everyone’s taste. Some nights there would be folks all dressed up in leather and chains for a heavy metal concert, other times it was hip/hop. The music joint bar bands ranged from country to 80’s, jazz to current pop. Everyone felt welcome at Reggie’s. It was probably the most integrated bar I ever saw in Chicago.

It can be difficult to find parking near Reggie’s on a summer weekend. I felt lucky to grab a spot on 21st across from the Chase Bank branch. It was just after 10pm, so I didn’t have to pay the meter, which was nice. After showing our ID’s at the door, we walked up to the rooftop bar and ordered a couple of beers. It was pretty crowded, and seating was scarce. I noticed a couple of vacant spots at one of the octagonal picnic-style tables that was otherwise occupied by a group of women and one guy. I sauntered over and asked if we might grab a seat, and they graciously welcomed us to join them. They turned out to be a group from a couple of local radio stations, including a couple of on-air dj’s who had been at the RiotFest concerts earlier in the day. Some of them were more drunk than the others, including the guy dj, who was making a total ass of himself. I trolled him for a bit until it got boring. Gaco headed back to the bar counter to get us a couple more beers, and I saw him over there talking to some old guy sitting on the barstool.

Since the radio personalities were pretty much finished with their night, they got up to go, leaving me there by myself. Gaco was still engaged in conversation with the dude, so I wandered over. This guy was tanked. His name was Jeff, and he was spouting some weird shit over and over, and the only reason it was funny to me was because he looked like what Jason Statham will be when he gets old and goes to pot. There was a girl sitting on the barstool next to us, and she was laughing at Jeff’s stupidity. As long as we were drinking, I didn’t care. It was a good time. The young lady’s name was Char – short for Charlene, and at some point she started to tell me about some personal stuff that was bothering her. I could see that she just needed to talk, so I guided her over to one of the covered picnic tables, as it had begun to sprinkle rain. She vented for a bit while Jeff continued to hold court at the bar. A few minutes later, Gaco walked over to us, looked at me and asked, “Do you want to go hang out on a boat?”

Now, you would think that someone with a bit of maturity and savvy would maybe ask a couple of questions at this point. Like perhaps, “Whose boat?”, or “Isn’t it a bit late (midnight) to be going out on a boat?”

The mature and savvy me had taken the night off, evidently, so my immediate response was more like, “HELL YEAH!”

It turned out to be old, fat, loud Jason Statham’s boat. I looked at Char and asked her if she was willing to join us. She hesitated a bit, perhaps due to maturity and savvy, and said that she lived in Humboldt Park, and would need to make sure she got home safely. Gallant that I am, I told her that I would keep her safe and promised to make sure she made it back.  So we were four.

Gaco, Char, Me, and Jeff at Reggie’s. (Come on..he kind of looks like a grumpy, old Jason Statham, right?)

The first order of business was to make sure that we continued to be well-lubricated. Reggie’s didn’t do carry-out beer, so we jumped into a cab that Jeff had hailed without our knowing, and headed off. Up State Street and around a corner was an establishment that would cater to our needs. I was volunteered to go in and pick up the beer. As I was waiting for the guy at the register to acknowledge my presence, I saw and smelled the food being prepared, and I just had to order some deep-fried onions, which made the rest of the cab ride to the marina very smelly. Jeff alluded to having party favors, which I understood to mean that he was in possession of some weed.

Jeff’s boat turned out to be a 45-foot sailcraft instead of the powerboat that I had imagined. The moon was very close to full, and because the sailboat was taking up the slip at the far end of the pier, we got to see an unobstructed view of the beautiful reflection on the calm waters of Lake Michigan. It was a soundless night, unsullied until all four of us decided that we needed to take a piss. The boat didn’t have a proper head, just a bucket, so the three boys stood at the end of the stern and whizzed into the lake, while Char squatted down on the edge of the pier next to the bow. Not a creature was stirring in any of the surrounding watercraft.

Down in the cabin, it was a bit cramped quarters. There wasn’t a lot of headroom, but as we sat down on the sleeping berths, it didn’t really seem to matter. The beer continued to flow, Jeff continued to be loud and boisterous, and Gaco continued to laugh at his antics. Old, fat Statham decided that I reminded him of Jeff Lynne from Electric Light Orchestra, and kept badgering me to sing, except he was asking for songs by other bands instead. I did my best to make him happy, but he’d usually interrupt me before I even got to the chorus lines.

About the time that I started wondering how my night ended up like this, Jeff half-stood up and said that it was time to get the party started. I was confused. Weren’t we already…? He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope, then began bellowing for his mirror. I had no idea what he was talking about, until he grabbed a very small mirror – about four inches square -, plopped a little baggie and what looked like a credit card on top of the looking glass, and shoved it at me. “Here,” he brayed, “you cut it.” I just sat there and stared. “Come on,” he said. “You know what to do.”

Yeah, I’ve seen enough movies and television that I knew what was supposed to be done. But as most of you are already aware, I grew up rather sheltered. I didn’t have close friends in my childhood who used drugs of any kind. If asked, I couldn’t have told you which of my classmates sold or even used marijuana. I heard the terms “dime bag” and “roach” bandied about when I was in high school, but didn’t have a clue what they really were. That sheltered life continued into adulthood, as my family’s religion kept us separated from most other people on a social level. So I never was exposed to drugs or paraphernalia. I was 40 years old before I was even approached on the street with an offer to buy weed. It was only earlier in the summer of 2016 that I actually tried marijuana for the first time (I found that smoking it has little and less effect on me…edibles are a completely different story).

I continued to stare at the mirror, plastic card, and bag of cocaine for another couple of seconds, then just said, “I’d rather not.” Flabby, elderly Transporter-with-a-beard had this incredulous look on his face until all of a sudden, Gaco piped up. “I’ll do it!” he said. I watched as the mirror was passed to my right, and my couchsurfing guest began to empty the white powder onto the glass. He held the mirror with his left hand as he began to use the credit card (which turned out to be a rewards card from Horseshoe Casino in nearby Hammond, Indiana) to divide the pile of coke into four caterpillar-shaped lines  I didn’t even have to do the math. Four people, four servings.  Oh, shit.

“Uh, yeah,” I said. “None for me tonight.” Gaco looked up at me in a mixture of balefulness and amusement. Now he had to start over. Which was probably not a bad idea, because his squiggly lines didn’t look like the expertly cut ones I’d seen Denzel snort up in “Flight.” Old man Statham shook his head. Char didn’t say a word. She just stared greedily at the little piles of powder. ‘Who ARE these people?’ I wondered, ‘and how did I end up on some strange guy’s sailboat at 1am watching a scene from “Blow”?’

As Gaco finished putting the final touches on the three more generous lines of nose candy, Jeff pulled out a for-real $100 bill, just like in the movies. He rolled it up tight, grabbed the mirror, and snorted up the first little seam of chalky-looking powder. He handed it over to Char, who with no hesitation, sucked the second line up into her right nostril. She wiped her nose with one hand, and gave the mirror to Gaco with the other. I watched in detached fascination as this guy I agreed to let sleep in my home hunched himself over the mirror, with the cylindrical Benjamin Franklin shoved up his sniffer. Holding the reflecting glass in his right hand, he guided the money straw with his left over the last line of cocaine as it disappeared.

Now what? It occurred to me that Jeff had probably been a combination of drunk and high the entire evening. But what effect was the narcotic going to have on Char and Gaco? I had promised the Texan that he could sleep on my couch for a couple of nights while he was in town. I had also guaranteed Char that I would make sure she got home safely. Was I the only responsible party here?

The party continued, with more clinking of beer cans, and Jeff’s boisterous antics, with Gaco egging him on. Char got a little more quiet. She had been asking if the group could go back up topside for some air. The sailboat captain had no intention of leaving his cabin, so I gently guided the girl up the steps to the stern deck. The stars were brilliant in the sky, and the lake serene. We sat there as she talked about her family and the business she worked for. She wanted to join a walk for suicide prevention, as it had struck close to home in the past. I wanted to know how she was so expert at snorting coke. She gave me a wan smile and said that she had been doing drugs since she was 13. I didn’t know what to say to that. She continued about some of the problems that she had experienced and I began to see a woman who was fighting a lot of demons. She moved closer to me, then eventually into my lap. There was a spider on the stern rail, right next to where her finger rested. I pointed it out, lest she be startled by it. Rather than pull her hand away, she pushed it closer to the spider, and allowed it to walk up her finger. I told her that I could never do that, as I suffer from arachnophobia, and she told me also feared spiders. The only reason she felt like she could do it was because she was high from the coke, and felt a bit euphoric. Meanwhile, Gaco and Jeff’s conversation had muted, and we discovered that they had passed out and gone to sleep. Jeff had crawled up into the forward compartment, and Gaco was on one of the sleeping berths on the starboard side aft.

Char and I talked and sat for a while longer, then dawn began to break. I knew that I should get some sleep, and she said that she was exhausted as well. We made our way down into the cabin, and took up sleeping positions on opposite sides of the sailboat. I set my alarm for 7, because I remembered that I had left my car in a paid parking zone that would start up at 8am. Chicago is notorious for handing out expensive parking tickets, and I had no desire to get hit with another. I was able to get a good hour of rest before my phone began to chime. I woke Gaco up and told him we had to go. I gently shook Char until she opened her eyes. I reminded her of my promise to get her home, but she just looked at me and said that she was going to stay. I asked if she was sure. None of us really knew anything about Jeff except what he had told us about having been a stockbroker whose wife had divorced him and blamed him for the death of their daughter. He had bought the boat with what remained of his share of the sale of their house during the divorce. Char nodded and said she’d be fine. Well, she was an adult, so I told her goodbye and left with Gaco in tow.

He and I walked back towards Grant Park in the downtown area so it would be easier to catch a cab back to Reggie’s and my car. He was in good spirits, and we were both hungry. I told him there was a very good soul food restaurant in my neighborhood, and we decided breakfast would be an excellent idea. As we drove down Martin Luther King Jr. Drive towards Peach’s cafe, I admitted to him that I had never been in the presence of people using cocaine before.  He said it was his first time too. I looked at him in disbelief. “Dude!” I said. “You snorted down that line like you were a pro!”

“No, I actually didn’t,” he replied.

“But I saw you! You moved the rolled-up bill over the coke and it was gone!”

“That’s what you saw,” Gaco said as he smiled. “I actually tilted the mirror a bit and pushed the cocaine onto the floor of the cabin as I went over it. It was dark in the cabin, and nobody noticed.”

“If you didn’t want to do the coke, why didn’t you just say so? I did.”

“Well, Jeff seemed so intent on sharing with us, and I didn’t want to be a dick and disappoint him,” he said with a wink.

As I thought about the expensive little pile of powder hitting the grubby floor of Jeff’s sailboat, and how crazy the night had been, I started laughing out loud. Gaco joined in, and we were soon both in tears.  I parked the car on 47th and King Drive. “Let’s go get some shrimp and grits!”


*Couch Crash:  Within the global couchsurfing community, there are members who set up special events in their respective cities and towns. Usually occurring over a weekend, these events are open by invitation to couchsurfing members across the globe. It’s a nice way to showcase your city and bring a bunch of cool people from around the world together for some food, drink, activities, and fellowship.



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  64. I must voice my admiration for your kindness for women who have the need for help on this important situation. Your special dedication to getting the solution up and down was surprisingly practical and have empowered men and women just like me to arrive at their desired goals. Your personal helpful guideline means a great deal a person like me and especially to my office colleagues. Best wishes; from all of us.

  65. Thank you a lot for giving everyone an exceptionally superb chance to read articles and blog posts from this web site. It can be so enjoyable and full of a good time for me and my office mates to search your website no less than thrice in one week to read the newest guides you will have. And lastly, I’m just certainly motivated with the wonderful pointers you give. Selected 1 ideas in this posting are truly the most effective we’ve ever had.

  66. I precisely wanted to thank you so much yet again. I’m not certain the things that I could possibly have accomplished without the type of creative concepts discussed by you directly on such question. It absolutely was the fearsome scenario in my position, however , observing this well-written approach you solved the issue forced me to weep for joy. I’m just grateful for your guidance and in addition pray you are aware of an amazing job you are providing training many others through a blog. I am sure you have never come across any of us.

  67. My spouse and i felt fortunate when John could carry out his studies out of the ideas he had out of your site. It is now and again perplexing just to always be making a gift of guidance which often some other people might have been making money from. And now we discover we have got you to give thanks to for this. The entire illustrations you have made, the easy website navigation, the friendships you will aid to engender – it is mostly overwhelming, and it’s really helping our son in addition to us know that this topic is amusing, and that is unbelievably serious. Thanks for the whole thing!

  68. I must express my thanks to this writer just for bailing me out of this type of challenge. Just after checking through the world-wide-web and coming across views which are not helpful, I believed my life was well over. Existing minus the strategies to the problems you have fixed through this review is a crucial case, and the ones which may have badly affected my entire career if I hadn’t discovered your blog. Your own personal expertise and kindness in playing with all the pieces was useful. I don’t know what I would have done if I had not come across such a subject like this. I’m able to now look ahead to my future. Thank you so much for this high quality and amazing guide. I won’t hesitate to suggest your web sites to any person who should get assistance on this situation.

  69. I intended to compose you the very little word to be able to thank you so much yet again considering the incredible concepts you’ve provided above. It’s simply remarkably open-handed of people like you to convey freely exactly what many people would’ve distributed as an electronic book to help make some dough for their own end, certainly now that you might well have tried it if you decided. The things additionally served to provide a fantastic way to recognize that other individuals have similar desire just as my own to know many more concerning this condition. I’m certain there are a lot more fun occasions up front for many who read through your site.

  70. I must express thanks to the writer for bailing me out of this type of issue. Right after surfing around through the search engines and seeing suggestions that were not powerful, I was thinking my entire life was well over. Living minus the answers to the problems you have sorted out all through your main review is a serious case, as well as the ones that could have negatively damaged my entire career if I hadn’t discovered your blog. Your main know-how and kindness in maneuvering all areas was excellent. I’m not sure what I would have done if I had not come across such a solution like this. It’s possible to now look forward to my future. Thanks for your time very much for the specialized and amazing guide. I will not be reluctant to refer your web blog to anybody who needs recommendations about this problem.

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  84. I wish to show some appreciation to this writer just for bailing me out of this issue. Right after browsing through the internet and obtaining things which are not powerful, I thought my entire life was well over. Being alive devoid of the solutions to the problems you have fixed by way of your main post is a critical case, and the kind which might have in a wrong way affected my entire career if I had not noticed the blog. Your own ability and kindness in taking care of the whole lot was valuable. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t encountered such a step like this. I am able to at this moment relish my future. Thanks a lot very much for your professional and amazing guide. I will not think twice to propose your blog to any individual who should get guide on this situation.

  85. I have to express thanks to the writer for bailing me out of this type of issue. Just after researching throughout the online world and seeing ideas which are not powerful, I thought my life was well over. Existing minus the approaches to the problems you’ve fixed as a result of your short article is a crucial case, as well as those that might have negatively damaged my career if I hadn’t encountered your web page. Your main talents and kindness in touching everything was very helpful. I am not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come upon such a stuff like this. I can also now relish my future. Thanks a lot so much for this expert and sensible guide. I won’t be reluctant to refer the sites to any person who will need tips on this problem.

  86. I truly wanted to make a simple remark so as to say thanks to you for all of the unique guidelines you are writing on this site. My extensive internet look up has now been rewarded with incredibly good content to share with my company. I ‘d suppose that most of us readers are quite lucky to dwell in a wonderful network with so many special professionals with valuable pointers. I feel somewhat privileged to have come across your entire webpage and look forward to plenty of more amazing minutes reading here. Thanks again for everything.

  87. I definitely wanted to write a brief note in order to appreciate you for all of the nice strategies you are writing on this website. My incredibly long internet search has finally been compensated with pleasant details to exchange with my family members. I would declare that many of us website visitors are truly lucky to dwell in a remarkable community with so many brilliant professionals with interesting pointers. I feel quite happy to have come across the web site and look forward to many more thrilling times reading here. Thanks a lot again for all the details.

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  89. I precisely had to appreciate you once more. I’m not certain the things I would’ve accomplished without these strategies documented by you about such a concern. Certainly was a real hard situation in my opinion, but noticing your professional way you solved the issue took me to jump with happiness. Extremely thankful for your help and then believe you know what a powerful job that you’re accomplishing educating people all through your web page. I’m certain you have never come across any of us.

  90. I just wanted to write a remark in order to express gratitude to you for all of the great tips you are sharing on this site. My particularly long internet investigation has now been honored with brilliant tips to talk about with my friends. I would believe that most of us visitors are unequivocally blessed to live in a notable network with many wonderful professionals with very helpful techniques. I feel truly lucky to have used your web pages and look forward to some more cool moments reading here. Thanks a lot again for all the details.

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  92. I would like to express some thanks to the writer for bailing me out of this particular scenario. After browsing through the the net and meeting suggestions which were not powerful, I thought my life was well over. Being alive without the strategies to the problems you have sorted out as a result of your entire write-up is a serious case, and those which may have negatively damaged my entire career if I had not encountered your site. Your ability and kindness in handling all areas was helpful. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come across such a solution like this. I can at this time look ahead to my future. Thanks very much for your specialized and effective help. I won’t be reluctant to endorse your site to any person who desires guidance on this subject.

  93. I have to express thanks to you for bailing me out of this issue. Right after surfing around throughout the online world and meeting strategies which were not powerful, I thought my entire life was well over. Living minus the answers to the problems you have fixed as a result of this article content is a crucial case, and ones that could have in a negative way affected my career if I hadn’t discovered your blog. Your own capability and kindness in touching every aspect was crucial. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not encountered such a step like this. It’s possible to at this point relish my future. Thanks for your time so much for this professional and effective help. I won’t think twice to refer your web sites to anybody who needs to have assistance about this situation.

  94. Thanks for all your valuable efforts on this site. My mother takes pleasure in setting aside time for research and it’s really easy to see why. Many of us hear all relating to the lively way you render invaluable things on the website and as well as encourage participation from other people on the article then our simple princess has always been studying a lot. Take advantage of the rest of the year. You are always doing a first class job.

  95. I not to mention my buddies were actually checking the nice items found on your web site and then quickly I got a horrible suspicion I had not expressed respect to the website owner for them. All the young men were so stimulated to read them and have in effect honestly been taking advantage of them. Many thanks for indeed being quite kind and for finding varieties of beneficial things most people are really eager to understand about. Our honest regret for not expressing appreciation to you earlier.

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  97. Thank you for your whole labor on this site. My mother really loves doing investigations and it’s simple to grasp why. A lot of people know all relating to the lively form you render functional strategies on the website and as well encourage contribution from other ones on the subject matter then our favorite daughter is without question learning a whole lot. Enjoy the remaining portion of the new year. You are always performing a useful job.

  98. I wish to get across my affection for your generosity in support of people that actually need help with this particular concern. Your personal dedication to passing the solution around ended up being incredibly productive and has really made women like me to get to their targets. Your interesting guidelines entails a whole lot a person like me and even further to my fellow workers. Best wishes; from each one of us.

  99. I precisely wished to thank you so much once again. I’m not certain the things that I would’ve followed without those opinions discussed by you regarding this problem. It had been a real alarming crisis for me personally, but considering the very expert way you managed it forced me to leap over contentment. Now i’m happier for this support and sincerely hope you comprehend what a great job you are carrying out educating people today using your blog. Probably you’ve never got to know all of us.

  100. Thank you a lot for giving everyone such a breathtaking chance to read articles and blog posts from this website. It really is very useful and also full of amusement for me personally and my office peers to search the blog at a minimum 3 times in 7 days to study the newest guidance you will have. And indeed, I am just always contented with all the eye-popping ideas you give. Selected 1 tips in this article are really the most efficient we’ve ever had.

  101. A lot of thanks for your own efforts on this website. Kim really likes making time for investigation and it is simple to grasp why. A number of us learn all about the powerful method you deliver invaluable strategies via the web site and as well strongly encourage response from other ones on the area so my simple princess is undoubtedly becoming educated so much. Take pleasure in the rest of the year. Your conducting a really great job.

  102. I truly wanted to write a brief remark in order to express gratitude to you for all of the splendid tricks you are posting on this website. My particularly long internet lookup has finally been compensated with high-quality facts and techniques to talk about with my friends and classmates. I would state that that most of us visitors are truly endowed to be in a great community with very many marvellous people with useful opinions. I feel truly privileged to have seen your entire website and look forward to really more excellent minutes reading here. Thanks a lot once more for a lot of things.

  103. I needed to post you the very small note to be able to thank you yet again for your stunning techniques you have discussed on this page. It has been quite particularly generous of you to give publicly all many people could possibly have supplied as an ebook to earn some dough for themselves, notably considering that you might have done it if you wanted. Those tricks also acted as a fantastic way to be aware that the rest have a similar desire much like my personal own to know the truth great deal more on the subject of this issue. I am certain there are a lot more enjoyable opportunities ahead for folks who start reading your blog post.

  104. I am only writing to make you know what a nice encounter my cousin’s daughter went through reading yuor web blog. She mastered plenty of details, with the inclusion of what it is like to possess a very effective teaching mood to let other folks just have an understanding of specific very confusing issues. You actually exceeded our desires. Thank you for presenting such powerful, trustworthy, revealing and as well as cool thoughts on that topic to Mary.

  105. Thanks a lot for providing individuals with an exceptionally superb chance to read in detail from this web site. It’s usually very awesome and as well , packed with a great time for me personally and my office friends to visit your blog the equivalent of three times a week to learn the latest guidance you have. And definitely, I’m so usually fascinated with your fabulous concepts you give. Selected 2 areas in this article are absolutely the best we’ve ever had.

  106. I am just writing to let you be aware of what a fantastic experience my wife’s girl went through reading through your blog. She picked up a good number of pieces, with the inclusion of what it is like to have an incredible helping mindset to get the mediocre ones without problems comprehend specified grueling things. You undoubtedly exceeded my desires. Thank you for delivering such invaluable, trusted, informative as well as unique tips about your topic to Janet.

  107. I would like to show some appreciation to you just for rescuing me from this type of issue. As a result of looking throughout the the net and meeting solutions which were not productive, I was thinking my entire life was gone. Living devoid of the approaches to the difficulties you have solved through your entire posting is a serious case, and the ones that would have negatively affected my career if I had not discovered your blog post. Your know-how and kindness in maneuvering all the things was invaluable. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not encountered such a point like this. I can also at this moment relish my future. Thank you very much for this skilled and effective help. I will not think twice to recommend the sites to any individual who should receive counselling on this topic.

  108. Thanks a lot for giving everyone an extremely brilliant opportunity to read articles and blog posts from this web site. It can be very lovely and also full of a lot of fun for me personally and my office mates to visit your website at the least thrice in one week to learn the latest secrets you will have. And lastly, I’m usually amazed with your spectacular inspiring ideas served by you. Selected 4 points in this posting are completely the most efficient we have had.

  109. I must point out my appreciation for your generosity giving support to people who actually need help with this concern. Your personal commitment to getting the solution along had become remarkably important and have really helped somebody like me to realize their targets. The warm and helpful key points indicates a great deal to me and even further to my peers. Regards; from everyone of us.

  110. My wife and i got really comfortable that John managed to do his survey out of the precious recommendations he acquired while using the web site. It is now and again perplexing just to choose to be giving freely ideas which usually other people could have been selling. We take into account we have got the website owner to thank for that. The most important illustrations you have made, the easy blog menu, the relationships you will aid to foster – it’s everything wonderful, and it’s making our son in addition to the family recognize that that idea is brilliant, which is extraordinarily indispensable. Thanks for all!

  111. I would like to show some appreciation to this writer just for rescuing me from this incident. Because of exploring through the search engines and meeting methods that were not powerful, I believed my entire life was over. Existing without the presence of strategies to the problems you’ve fixed as a result of your good guideline is a serious case, as well as the kind that could have adversely damaged my entire career if I hadn’t noticed your web site. The expertise and kindness in dealing with all things was precious. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come across such a subject like this. I am able to at this moment look ahead to my future. Thanks very much for the reliable and result oriented help. I will not be reluctant to propose the blog to any person who should have support on this area.

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  117. I must show thanks to this writer for rescuing me from such a predicament. Because of surfing around through the the web and seeing proposals which were not beneficial, I thought my life was done. Living without the presence of answers to the issues you have resolved through your article is a critical case, and the kind that could have negatively affected my entire career if I hadn’t noticed your web site. Your primary talents and kindness in dealing with all areas was vital. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come upon such a subject like this. I am able to now relish my future. Thanks very much for this professional and sensible guide. I will not be reluctant to endorse the sites to anybody who should receive guidelines about this area.

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  124. I really wanted to send a quick comment so as to say thanks to you for these marvelous ways you are placing on this site. My time intensive internet research has at the end been paid with excellent tips to exchange with my company. I would state that that most of us readers are very much endowed to be in a wonderful site with many marvellous individuals with interesting hints. I feel extremely fortunate to have used the web pages and look forward to plenty of more exciting moments reading here. Thank you again for a lot of things.

  125. I want to express some appreciation to you just for rescuing me from this type of dilemma. As a result of surfing around through the search engines and finding methods which were not powerful, I was thinking my life was well over. Being alive devoid of the answers to the problems you’ve sorted out by means of this review is a serious case, as well as those that would have in a negative way damaged my entire career if I had not come across your web page. That competence and kindness in taking care of every item was very helpful. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come upon such a point like this. I can also now look ahead to my future. Thank you very much for your high quality and result oriented help. I will not think twice to propose the blog to any individual who should get counselling on this problem.

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